CRV Glass Pays You to Recycle
The California Redemption Value, or CRV, is a handy program that ends up paying you back for doing the right thing. The initials stand for a program that sets the price recycling plants pay for you to drop off your cans, glass bottles, and plastic containers. With recycling being so easy these days, why wouldn’t you want to take advantage of a program that pays you for doing nothing? Not only will you be making easy money, but you will be able to sleep soundly at night knowing that you did your part for the environment.
Your Glass Goes Everywhere
The wonderful thing about recycled glass is that it can be used to create so many different useful things. When you recycle your bottles and jars, they go to industrial uses, to kitchen appliances and glassware, and even to other household items. Recycled glass uses far less energy than new glass, and every ton of glass that is recycled prevents 315 kilograms of carbon monoxide from being released into the atmosphere. That’s right. By encouraging recycled glass, we are actually helping to slow down global warming!
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City of San Diego Environmental Services call:
Unincorporated County Residents call:
1-877-R-1-EARTH (1-877-713-2784)